Detail of flageolets, oboes & clarinets, c.1800-1820, displayed on a shelf in the Music Room at Snowshill Manor.
Close view of part of a tenor cor, part of the musical instrument collection in the Music Room at Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire
A double bass, part of the musical instrument collection of Charles Paget Wade in the Music Room at Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire
Close view of part of the mid-C19th harp made by Delveau in the Grey Room at Snowshill Manor
Close view of part of the Longman square piano c.1800 in the room known as Nadir at Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire.
Close view of clarinets, flutes, piccolo and oboes, part of the musical instrument collection of Charles Paget Wade, in the Music Room at Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire
Detail of pianola rolls in box, in the Drawing Room at Sunnycroft
The keyboard of the "Manxman" piano in the Hall at Standen, West Sussex
Organ decorated with painted panels depicting religious figures, in the Parish Church of All Saints at Great Chalfield Manor, near Melksham, Wiltshire
Carved cherub on keywell of 1590 (Anonymous) Italian harpsichord at Fenton House
A detail of the Marcus Siculus virginals of 1540, Fenton House, rn the Rockingham Closet
Detail of harp in the South West Room at Fenton House