Ticket of the bookbinder "John Bretherton, at the Bible and Star in Threadneedle Street, of the Springhill Library collections
Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and made easy to those who have not studied Mathematics (London 1764) by James Ferguson FRS, with a pull out illustration of an orrery, from the Springhill Library collections
Title page of "A Description of the Pictures, Statues, Bustos, Basso-Relievos and other Curiosities at the Earl of Pembroke's House" part of the Springhill Library collections
Illustrated page from John Gerard "The Herball of General Historie of Plantes" (London 1633) showing the Balsam Mint, and a pressed leaf of the plant, in the Springhill Library collections
Ticket of the Londonderry Military Library, in Antoine Henri de Jomini, "Precis de l'Art de la Guerre" (Paris, 1838) at Springhill
Schoolboy doodle and title "Aesopus" in a volume of Aesop's Fables, "Mythologia Aesopica (London 1682), part of the Springhill Library collections, Co
Close view of the spines of a collection of books in Ann's Room at Snowshill Manor
Close view of sheets of music for "Of What is the Old Man Thnking" on a stand in the room known as Nadir, at Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire
Close view of the Harbour and Harbour Master's House, part of the reconstruction of Wolf's Cove, the model village which was once in the garden at Snowshill Manor but is now in the room known as Occidens
Close view of the Harbour with the boat "John Silver", part of the reconstruction of Wolf's Cove, the model village which was once in the garden at Snowshill Manor but is now in the room known as Occidens
Spines of books in the white-painted bookshelves in the Study in the new house at Scotney
Close-up view of books in case in the Library including Trotsky's 'History of the Russian Revolution' & Webb's 'Soviet Communism: a New Civilization'
The In Memoriam embossed paper for Disraeli, the Earl of Beaconsfield, at Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire, home of prime minister Benjamin Disraeli between 1848 and 1881
In Memoriam plaque for the Earl of Beaconsfield, Disraeli, at Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire, home of prime minister Benjamin Disraeli between 1848 and 1881
Tasselled paper menu for the Reception of His Imperial Majesty The Sultan at the Guildhall in 1867, at Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire, home of prime minister Benjamin Disraeli between 1848 and 1881
Leather bound books on the shelves in the Library at Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire, home of prime minister Benjamin Disraeli between 1848 and 1881
Leather-bound books on bookshelves in the Library at Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire, home of prime minister Benjamin Disraeli between 1848 and 1881
A receipt from the Finch Brothers dated Xmas 1936 Finch Foundry
Finch Brothers' catalogue of tools for sale at Finch Foundry in Devon, where agriculltural and mining hand tools were made in the C19th
An indenture document from Finch Foundry in Devon, where hand tools for use in mining and agriculture were manufactured in the C19th and C20th
Photograph of a page of the minutes in the "Boo" (book) of the Ferguson Gang who were a group of anonymous benefactors active during the 1930s
Photograph of a hand-written page of the "Boo" (book) detailing a lunch recipe of the Ferguson Gang who were a group of anonymous benefactors active during the 1930s
Archive document declaring "Bill Stickers" as Deputy Legate of the Ferguson Gang who were a group of anonymous benefactors active during the 1930s