Dandelion clock, Taraxacum, in The Courts Garden
Detail of Darmera Peltatum at The Courts Garden
Detail of Tragopogon Porrifolius also known as 'Salsify' in The Courts Garden
Close up of Darmera Peltatum at The Courts Garden
Detail of Veronica Gentianoides at The Courts Garden
Detail of Brunnera Macrophylla in The Courts Garden
Detail of Rosa 'Tuscany Superb' in The Courts Garden
Detail of Tragopogon Porrifolius seed heads (Salsify) in The Courts Garden
Detail of Dodecatheon Meadia (Shooting Star) in The Courts Garden
Detail of Inula Hookeri in The Courts Garden
Detail of Cirsium Rivulare 'Atropurpureum' in The Courts Garden
Close view of Narcissus "Carbineer" at Cotehele, Cornwall
Close view of houseleeks, Sempervivum, at Compton Castle, Devon
Thyme {Thymus drucei}, host plant of the large blue butterfly which was formerly extinct in the UK, but successfully re-introduced, at Collard Hill, Somerset
Pyrimidal orchid {Anacamptis pyramidalis}, at Collard Hill, Somerset
A portrait of pretty delicate pink and white flowers at Colby Woodland Garden
Close up of flowers at Colby Woodland Garden, Amroth, Pembrokeshire
Buttercups in woodland on the Brockhampton Estate in Worcestershire
Bee feeding on a foxglove spike at Lower Brockhampton House, the medieval manor house on the Brockhampton Estate in Worcestershire
A red hot poker bloom (Kniphofia) at Lower Brockhampton House, the medieval manor house on the Brockhampton Estate in Worcestershire
Dandelion clock in woodland on the Brockhampton Estate in Worcestershire
View along the compartmentalised yew hedges of the Dahlia Walk at Biddulph Grange Garden, Staffordshire
Close-up of the flower-head of an artichoke at Beningbrough Hall